Climate Action and Social Change
The Metcalf Foundation is a founding supporter of Nature United’s climate program and our landmark study on Natural Climate Solutions in Canada.

What inspired your investments in Nature United?
We launched our Environment Program’s Carbon Landscapes initiative in 2017, with an overarching goal to advance Natural Climate Solutions across Canada. We sought out organizations who were approaching climate and conservation issues in a more integrated manner, thoughtfully linking sustainable livelihoods and culture with positive climate and biodiversity outcomes. Nature United’s early leadership in this space stood out, leading us to make one of our first major funding commitments in support of the organization’s landmark research on natural climate solutions in Canada. This work has only grown in importance and we continue to be inspired by Nature United’s talented and committed team.
Where do you see the intersection between climate action and our approach to Indigenous-led Conservation?
Nature United’s approach to Indigenous-led conservation is a good example of how Indigenous and non-Indigenous peoples can together reimagine how conservation is practiced in Canada and elsewhere. Support for Indigenous-led conservation, including across landscapes that store and sequester globally-significant amounts of above- and below-ground carbon, must be grounded in a respect for the rights and authority of Indigenous governments to steward their lands and waters.
How do we help the Foundation achieve your goals?
We really value the open, honest, and respectful exchanges we can have with Nature United about our common goals and related strategies. And sharing notes on what we are seeing, hearing, and learning in our day-to-day work creates a strong basis for a productive partnership. Much of the Metcalf Foundation’s work involves support for those working on the frontlines of social change. When it comes to advancing natural climate solutions across Canada, people and communities are core to this work.
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