Absolutely Profound
Photographer Jon McCormack shares what motivates him to support Nature United's work in the Great Bear Rainforest.

Inspiration in Great Bear
Read more about Jon's passion for the Great Bear Rainforest and get his best tips for photographing nature on nature.org.
What first drew me to the Great Bear Rainforest was the surprise of it all; it was absolutely profound. It is a fascinating place to observe nature in a way that I’ve never seen anywhere else. I’ve spent all day, waiting for a chance sighting of the spirit bear, been absolutely sure nothing was going to happen—and then this magical, silver-white bear comes out of the forest.
So I started photographing it, and became fascinated with not just the wildlife, but also with the local First Nations who have been the stewards for centuries. It is extraordinary—the Indigenous communities working to protect this vast natural resource.
I believe the environment is our most precious thing. What I want to do is take my editorial point of view and use the biggest megaphone I can to talk about that. For me, that means partnering with organizations that I share values with, like Nature United.
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